Privacy policy

To protect our website infrastructure against unauthorised access and for the statistical analysis of the number of visitors on our website as well as for marketing and optimisation purposes data is recorded and saved automatically.

Server log files

At each access to this website information is automatically recorded and stored on our hosting provider’s server. These data are automatically transmitted by your browser:

  • IP address of the accessing device
  • browser type and version
  • operating system used
  • visited page(s)
  • referrer URL
  • date and time


This data is aggregated and can therefore not be linked to individual persons. An evaluation takes place for the analysis of and the protection against third-party attacks on our infrastructure as well as the statistical analysis of the number of visitors. We do not use the data beyond these purposes. The data is not combined with other data sources. Beyond that, we do not forward data to third parties, neither within nor outside the European Union.


For some functions on our website, so-called cookies are stored on the website users’ computers. These do not contain any personal data and are not saved or processed by us. You can deactivate the storage of cookies in your web browser.

Analythics services

This website uses the web analytics service Matomo (formerly Piwik). It uses so-called “cookies”, which are text files that are saved on your computer that enable us to analyse your use of the website. The user information generated by the cookie (including your truncated IP address) will be transmitted to the server at our web hosting provider and saved there for usage analysis purposes. Your IP address is anonymised immediately so that you remain anonymous to us as an individual user. Information on your website usage that is generated by the cookie will not be passed on to any third party. You may prevent the use of cookies by making a corresponding adjustment to your browser settings.

Should you not agree to the aggregation and analysis of the data generated by your visit, you may revoke this hereinafter with a click of the mouse at any time. In such cases, a so-called opt-out cookie is created and stored on your computer and Matomo will gather no session information whatsoever. Attention: if you later delete your cookies, this will also delete the opt-out cookie, which then may need to be activated once again.

Duration of data retention

The data stored in the server log files are stored by our web hosting provider for a maximum of 7 days before they are anonymised. Data whose further retention is necessary for evidentiary purposes are exempt from anonymisation until the incident has been finally clarified. We as website operator only have access to anonymised user data. Server logs are stored for a period of five years and then deleted.

Data that are gathered, anonymised and stored with Matomo are kept for an indefinite period of time.

Your right to information, correction, cancellation, deletion

You have the right to receive information about the personal data stored with us. You also have the right to correction, deletion, limiting of processing as well as data portability.

According to article 77 GDPR you have the right to complain to the responsible regulatory authority should you consider the processing of your personal data to be illegal.

Managing Director (responsible person)

Manfred Großert
united communications GmbH
Skalitzer Str. 68
10997 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 30 78 90 76-0
Fax: +49 30 78 90 76-99

Email: [email protected]

Data protection officer

secjur GmbH
Email: [email protected]

united communications
Berlin based marketing and PR agency