The Foundation SPI (Social Pedagogical Institute Berlin Walter May) is part of the State Association of Workers’ Welfare Berlin e.V., dedicated to Workers’ Welfare objectives. It strives to contribute to the development of a society where every individual can responsibly flourish within their community. The SPI Foundation focuses on the living conditions of affected citizens and encourages self-help in its social work.
Development of a concept for the annual report. In the past, this was very extensive, as attempts were made to ensure completeness. Given the Foundation’s many fields of activity, this was not only very time-consuming but also resulted in a long, text-heavy report. The new annual report should therefore be shorter and more colourful, i.e. easy to read and invite interested parties to engage with the foundation.
Our team found a design that adequately presented the work of this charitable foundation. In a workshop, we coordinated with the individual departments and agreed that we would present the projects that were/are particularly important to the team. Many of the projects focus on the effects of poverty, particularly on children and young people, and on promoting democracy. The selection presented in the report gives a vivid picture of the foundation’s work.