

Professional PowerPoint Presentations

Need a high-end presentation for an event, a press conference or an important product launch? No problem: our team has been developing, designing and producing customised product and business presentations since 1997. Utilise our expertise and win over your customers, clients and target groups with your benefits, the strength of your company and the power of your vision – with a coherent presentation concept, innovative design and to-the-point communication.

Grafikdesign, Branding & Positionierung, Copywriting, Website


We create visually appealing presentations that are customised for the respective target group. Whether for B2B or B2C, we find the right images and always strike the right note.

We help you to prepare complex content with lots of figures, data and facts using informative infographics so that even difficult product training, marketing and sales presentations are easy to understand.

Whether you are holding a training session, announcing a change in the company or presenting a new project, we can enhance your presentation with suitable interactive elements, animations or embedded videos to create an impressive experience for your audience.

We also revise existing presentations and templates, for example to adapt them to a changed corporate design. We also offer webinars and text guides that explain the use of libraries with visual materials created specifically for your needs.

united communications
Berlin based marketing and PR agency