Cybershoes: 2018/2019

Worldwide PR support around gamescom for innovative VR hardware

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#influencer relations

Initial situation

The Austrian start-up Cybershoes had the perfect solution to the problem of immersive movement in virtual worlds: Undershoes that strap on to your normal shoes, with wheels. After the US premiere at the E3 trade fair in 2018, the innovators at Cybershoes wanted to present their innovation to the local gaming community at Gamescom.


PR advice and support before, during and after Gamescom 2018 and 2019.


We managed invitations for the international press and looked after the journalists during the trade fair, arranged product tests in leading tech/gaming titles, cultivated contacts with key influencers and distributed PR mailings – once even in six languages in the four focus regions of Europe, North America, the Middle East and Asia.

The European premiere was a complete success. Cybershoes was featured in the most important IT and VR media in the respective regions and even on ARD’s Morgenmagazin (MoMa) programme. The crowd-investing campaign was also featured.

united communications
Berlin based marketing and PR agency