
Corporate Social Responsibility

Development of CSR Strategies

CSR is critical for companies, as customers, employees, and other stakeholders expect more from businesses than just great products and innovative services. However, until now, only large companies were obliged to publish a sustainability report. CSR is changing with the new EU directive (CSRD). The CSRD significantly expands the group of companies obliged to report and increases the reports’ requirements. We help companies to analyse the significant effects of their environmental, social and governance activities in close interaction with the future viability of their company, to rethink and further develop their sustainability strategies and to communicate their CSR performance in a reasonable, credible and understandable manner.

From a no-name to a leading global brand


Our CSR services help companies integrate ethical, sustainable and socially responsible strategies into their operations. We support you in reviewing your existing CSR strategy and strengthening it in line with your company’s business strategy.

We want to promote ethical business practices. That is why we are happy to advise you on the development and creation of credible, appropriate, verifiable and comparable CSR reporting in accordance with international reporting standards. Our goal is to help companies effectively manage the complexities of CSR and maximise its positive impact.

Do good things and talk about it: By spreading the word about your CSR activities through press releases, social media, and other suitable channels for your company, we increase trust in your brand and enable your employees, customers, and other stakeholders to take pride in promoting something positive and important.

Reporting is a critical tool for organisations to communicate their environmental, social, and governance performance transparently. Our professional sustainability reporting service helps companies further optimise their sustainability efforts and communicate their progress.

united communications
Berlin based marketing and PR agency